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  • Ended 04 Oct 2023 16:43 BST

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First Floor Office, 3 Hornton Place,, , England, W8 4LZ, London, W8 4LZ, United Kingdom

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314 item(s)
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  • 314 item(s)

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Lot 1


1 x Table with lower shelf, Dimensions 1.8 x 60 x 90 h. Lift Out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4434 ...[more]

1 x Storm 190 platform scale platform 45 x 45. lift out £10. located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4435 ...[more]

1 x Syspal polytheme reel holder, 77 cm long. Lift Out £10. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4436 ...[more]

1 x Herbert free standing platform scale, platform 40 x 30 cm, model IH430 with printer intramec Easy Code SDIE. Lift Out £20. Located Bury Stowma...

1 x Ross TC700M Tenderiser , 2m x 65 x 1.6 H. Lift Out £50. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4438 ...[more]

2 x Tote Bins. Located Bury Stowmarket. Lift Out £20. UKFM2-4439 ...[more]

Lot 7


1 x Biro Bandsaw, throat 40x40, 1m x 90 x 1.8high. Lift Out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4440 ...[more]

1 X Marco platform scale CSW on stand, platform 60x50, overall dims 70x75x1.3high. Lift Out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4441 ...[more]

1 X Systems cleaners pressure washer, 1.2x52x90cmhigh. Lift Out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4442 ...[more]

1 x Hygienox/Teknomek lectem/desk, 70x60x1mhigh. Lift Out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4443 ...[more]

1 x Single Bobet boot wash, 80x70x1m high. Lift Out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4444 ...[more]

1 x Wall mounted dispenser, 30x30x20 Lift Out £10. Located Bury Stowmarket. UKFM2-4445 ...[more]

1 X Utility sink with splash back, 1.32 x 90 x 36 deep, 86cm high. Lift Out £20. Located Bury St Edmunds. UKFM2-4446 ...[more]

Lot 14


2 x tote bins. Lift Out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4447 ...[more]

1 x Draining table, mobile, with 40cm high splash back on 3 sides with removable draining draw, 1.82x 80x90H.Lift Out £30. Located Stowmarket. UKF...

1 x Syspal tote bin tipper for washing tote bins. Lift Out £20. Located Bury St Edmunds. UKFM2-4449 ...[more]

1 X Avery Weigh-Tronix ZQ375, mobile, platform scale, platform size 50x40 Lift Out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4450 ...[more]

1 X Rose electric cooker 50x45x50high. Lift Out £10. Located Stowmarket UKFM2-4451 ...[more]

1 x Table with shelf, 1.8x60x90high. Lift Out £20. Located Stowmarket UKFM2-4452 ...[more]

1 x Ohuns 3000 xtrem table top scale, platform 40 x 55 Lift Out £10. Located Stowmarket UKFM2-4453 ...[more]

1 x Table with shelf, 1.8 x 60 x 90 cm high.  Lift Out £20. Located Stowmarket UKFM2-4453 ...[more]

1 x Executor insectocutor. Lift Out £5. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4455 ...[more]

Lot 23


1 x Insectocutor Lift Out £5. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4456 ...[more]

1 X Weighing Indicator, table top scale, platform 30x30. Lift Out £5. Located Stowmarket UKFM2-4457 ...[more]

1 X Weighing Indicator, table top scale, platform 30x30. Lift Out £5. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4458 ...[more]

1 X Vakona W35-0484 500VM Vacuum Mixer, tilting, 1.7 x 1.5 x 2 m H with vacuum pump. Lift Out £50. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4459 ...[more]

1 x Apron/Glove washstand with trough, 1m x 43 x 1.5 high Lift Out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4460 ...[more]

1 X Apron/Glove washstand with trough, 1m x 43 x 1.5 high Lift Out £20. Located Stowmarket, Suffolk, UKFM2-4461 ...[more]

1 x Injectstar Tumbler, 2.1 x 1.25 x 1.8 H. Lift Out £50. Located Stowmarket, Suffolk. UKFM2-4462 ...[more]

1 x Table with shelf, 60x60 Lift Out £20. Located Stowmarket, Suffolk. UKFM2-4463 ...[more]

1 X QJS Hosereel holder , wall mounted Lift Out £10. Located Stowmarket, Suffolk. UKFM2-4464 ...[more]

1 X Staggered table with upstand, 2mlong x 68 - 60 -50 wide x 88 high Lift Out £20. Located Stowmarket, Suffolk. UKFM2-4465 ...[more]

1 X Table 70x70x75. Lift out £10. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-446 ...[more]

1 x Fomaco FGM26/456T injector tenderiser, 2.6 x 80 x 1.9 high Lift out £50. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4467 ...[more]

1x Mainca BC2500 bandsaw 30cm throat, 75x75x1.4H. Lift out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4468 ...[more]

1 x Mobile draining table, 1.86x86cmx86high Lift out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4469 ...[more]

1 X Cottsacc 290-700 Slicer, 1.65x70x1.2high Lift out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4470 ...[more]

1 X Grasselli SL600 slicer, 1.3x1.15x1.3high Lift out £50. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4471 ...[more]

1 X Foster Ecopro G2 EP700 Fridge, 70x80x2.05 high Lift out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4472 ...[more]

1 X Foster Ecopro G2 EP700 Fridge, 70x80x2.05 high Lift out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4473 ...[more]

1 X Table with upstand and shelf, 2.1x65x90 high Lift out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4474 ...[more]

1 X Railway WPP 3/6 table top scale, platform 25x30 Lift out £5. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4475 ...[more]

1 X Avery Berkel HL265 table top scale, platform 35x30 Lift out £5. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4476 ...[more]

1 x DSL TQ32 INOX micro table top mincer Lift out £10. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4477 ...[more]

Lot 45


1 X Bobet single boot washer , 80x70x1m high Lift out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4478 ...[more]

1 X Chaveret cooking vessel, 64x69x60 deep, overall 1.2x1.1x1.25high gas fired Lift out £50. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4479 ...[more]

1 x Double sided boot rack - 72 boots each side , 1.4x80x2m high Lift out £30. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4479 ...[more]

Lot 48


1 X Carton Sealer  AS 523S, as new, 1.8x85x1.3high Lift out £30. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4481 ...[more]

1 X Table with upstand and shelf, 2.1x65x90high Lift out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4481 ...[more]

1 X Lincat 2-basket fryer Lift out £10. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4483 ...[more]

1 X Ian Fellow lucid scale, platform 60x50. Located £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4484 ...[more]

Lot 52


1 X Liberator insectocutor Lift out £5. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4483 ...[more]

Lot 53


1 X Insectocutor Lift out £5. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4486 ...[more]

Lot 54


1 X Insectocutor Lift out £5. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4487 ...[more]

1 x Infrico fridge counter with 4 compartments, 2.5x60x85 high Lift out £30. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4488 ...[more]

1 X Kohlhoff EEL400 tWR turnstyle hand sanitiser and wash ,90x90x1.4 high Lift out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4489 ...[more]

Lot 57


1 X Falcon 6-ring gas  hob with oven underneath, 90x80x90high Lift out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4490 ...[more]

1 X Splitter on Teknomek table, 1.2x60x73 high Lift out £20. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4491 ...[more]

1 X Adpack/Smipack FP560A L-shaped heat sealer, 1.6x85x1m high Lift out £30. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4492 ...[more]

1 X Adpack/Smipack T650 heat tunnel and outfeed conveyor, conveyor 1.1x60, overall 1.3x1.1x1.5high Lift out £30. Located Stowmarket. UKFM2-4493 ...

  • 314 item(s)

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