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Timed auction

Auction dates

  • Ended 01 May 2024 16:29 BST

Viewing dates

  • 09:00 - 18:00 BST

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Currency: GBP
Commissions ex. VAT/sales tax: 20.00% (includes buyer's premium and online commission)
VAT/sales tax on hammer: 20.00%

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The Auction Rooms, 389 - 395 Anlaby Road, Hull, HU3 6AB, United Kingdom

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Powabyke Shopper E100 Electric Bicycle with Charger and Paniers (working condition)

Royal Grafton Summer Melody Tea Service plus Colclough Plates 40+pcs

Wedgwood Plates Pacific Stripe Pattern and Satine Platinum 70+pcs

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